Michelle Bartlet
North Carolina State University
Poster A
Faculty Perceptions of Coping with Stressors in the Workplace
Poster B
Alison Barton
East Tennessee State University
Guided Inquiry v. Videos in Online Learning: Mindset Matters
Christie Cavanaugh
University of North Carolina Greensboro
Poster C
Maximizing Student Success: Incorporating UDL Principles in Higher Education Classrooms
Poster D
Jeremy Chandler
University of Tennessee Knoxville
Engaging the Sense of Touch in the Classroom
Angela Clauson
Belmont University
Poster E
Using an Audio Interview to Expose Pharmacy Students to Other Health Professionals
Poster F
Emily Faulconer
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Scientific and Information Literacy in Online Discussion Forums
Lori Gray
Western Michigan University
Poster G
Contemplative Pedagogy in the Classroom: Mindfulness Curriculum for Undergraduate Students
Poster H
William Hooper
Belmont University
The Teaching Transaction: New Approaches to an Old Problem
Graham Ignizio
Metro State University Denver
Poster I
Spanish Conversation and the Non-Traditional Student: Community-Based Learning at the Urban University
Poster J
Kristin Lambert
University of St. Thomas
Utilizing a Patchwork Text Approach to Strengthen Students' Professional Identity
Rhonda Lanning
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Poster K
Supporting the Childbearing Family: An Interdisciplinary Service-Learning Approach to Education
Poster L
Khushi Patel
Clemson University
Increasing the Yield in STEM: How Students Connect Numbers and Concepts
Mark Rowe
Ohio University
Poster M
Active Learning and Collaboration Using Miro's Online Whiteboard
Poster N
Moriah Smother & John Smothers
University of Southern Indiana
Applying the SCARF Model
to Coaching Pedagogy
April Tallant
Western Carolina University
Poster O
Assessing Learning: The Case for Case Study Exams
Poster P
Gordon Taub
The University of Central Florida
Cognitive Capacity's Impact on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Gordon Taub
The University of Central Florida
Poster Q
Incorporating SoTL Strategies to Improve Students' Legal and Ethical Knowledge
Poster R
Andrew Vinal
Wake Tech Community College
Utilizing 3D Printed Protein Models Enhanced with Augmented Reality for Student Engagement
Student Designed Mnemonics and Picmonics for Ethical Decision Making
Jacqueline Williams
North Carolina A&T State University
Poster S
Poster T
James Woods
Johnson and Wales University
Evaluation of Generation Z's Learning Preferences
Baby Booms to Gen Z Culture: Changing Teaching Persona
H. Lyn Miles
University of Tennessee Chattanooga